How To Love Your Body Vol. 1
Price: $15.00 (+ shipping) This movement meditation lets you sink into your self. Movement with Intention and Sensation sidesteps your conscious and critical mind and allows your subconscious beliefs and emotions to shift. Negative messages to your body consciousness are coming at you every day, so it’s time for you to practice feeling good about yourself. The first meditation introduces you the curve of the shapes of the body as you lie on the floor so you can enjoy movement that is simple, natural, relaxing and sensuous. The second meditation is a special meditation that has you visualize your ideal self and reinforce that positive ideal in your body with a physical movement and full breath. If you are looking to change your body, change the way you FEEL about your body. Brain researchers like Michael Merzenich show that brains maps shift when you repeat new physical movement patterns. With focused learning of new activities the sensory maps of the brain change. He has helped clients recover from strokes, brain damage, autism and dementia. Movement Meditation with focused attention on sensual, loving, positive, joyful and expansive feelings is just what you need. |